the Midweek Meal will begin on Wednesday, October 2 with a Welcome Back Pizza & Pop supper. This is a reimagining of our Midweek ministry and is for the entire family. A hot, homemade meal will be served, ($10/meal/family – a family is any combination of 2+ people up to a maximum of 8) children and youth will be able to sign up for targeted choose-your-own-adventure clubs that focus on something they’re passionate about or interested in, and adults will be able to enjoy the company of one another over dessert and conversation. Registration and payment deadline is October 2. Visit our website to register online.

Karen Schmalz’s G2G Ladies group will begin on Thursday, October 3 at 1 p.m. in the upper room. They will be studying “Gideon” by Priscilla Shirer. Connect with Karen for more information.
The facility team is planning a HMC Work Bee to tackle the fall/winter check list as well as other odd jobs around the church. If you can swing a hammer and follow direction, please consider donating your time and skill. Men and women are both welcome! The day will begin at 8:00 a.m. with no definitive end time. Come for whatever block of time you’re able.
Young at Heart will gather on October 10 at 11:00 a.m. with special guest Doctor Jeremy Toman ND, who will share tips on reducing inflammation. $17 tickets for the hot luncheon are available in the foyer today or from the church office during office hours.
Men! A new study is beginning just for you. Come out on Thursday, October 10 at 7:00 p.m. to start Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio.
Our HMC AGM & Potluck will be on Sunday, November 24 after the service. Please bring along a main course dish to share & plan to stay for the meeting to learn what’s going on in the life of our church.
You’ve ask, and we’ve listened! We now have app-based giving! Send us your tithe from your smart phone or desktop computer. Follow the link from our homepage, go to and sign up, or download the app from the app store.

- Download the (finance) app.
- Create an account.
- Verify email.
- Login & find church: HANOVER MISSIONARY CHURCH
- Click ‘GIVE NOW’.
- You will jump to the web browser.
- Enter PAYMENT options (DEBIT/VISA) and ADD CARD.
- Enter $ amount of your gift and click the ‘Cover Fees’ box to ensure your full donation goes to HMC
- Designate to the account of your choosing (Budget Offering is the general fund)
Do you love to bake? If you’re interested in helping to provide desserts for our MIDWEEK MEAL, please connect with Pastor Kristina.
Please keep Sue McDougall and family in your prayers as she is facing some health concerns.
Women’s Workshop on Biblical Exposition on Wednesday, October 2 from 12:00-4:30 p.m. at the Connection Centre at Ethnos Canada in Durham. Do you desire to learn skills that will help you study the Word of God and apply its truth to your life well? Come and be refreshed in the Word as you learn some of the fundamental principles for studying and teaching the Bible with other women. Sign up at or contact Pastor Kristina or Jason Bechtel.
OASIS Fall Rally on October 19 at 10:00 a.m. at the Chesley Community Church (307 1st Ave, Chesley). Come and hear the Sonlit Quartet in concert, singing traditional southern gospel music since 2006, and speaker Lillian Culham who will share about overcoming personal trials with a positive joyful spirit. A freewill offering will be taken for the concert and the OASIS projects. Lunch will follow for $12. For reservations, please speak with Nelles Koenig.