9:30 AM
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP—let’s join together in person for an inspiring message from the Word. If you can’t join us in person join us on Youtube at 9:30 a.m.
11:30 AM
WARMING CENTRE – Our warming centre is finished for the summer but will resume the first week of November. We encourage you to be looking to how you can help out, below are some ways you can be involved. Ask God how He would have you involved in this important outreach.
1) Donate items for our pantry. Could you help us to supply our visitors with items such as canned goods (soups, stews, tomato sauce, and canned meat), boxed items (cereals, crackers, and pasta), personal items ( toothbrushes, toothpaste, bars of soap, washcloths and shampoo)? Please drop these off in the tote in the church lobby. We are in need of warm winter coats for men and women, hats, gloves and winter boots.
2) Volunteer your time. Could you help to set up, serve food and visit with our visitors, and or clean up on Thursdays? Contact the church office.
3) Make Food. Could you help by making soup, sandwiches and or dessert for our Thursday gatherings? If so, please sign up by contacting the church office.
4) Prayer. Please pray regularly for this mission. Pray for the Thursday volunteers, that they would have the energy and wisdom needed to shed God’s light into these people’s lives. Also, that we would have an abundance of soup and other food and personal items to supply help to our community.
Thank you to our HMC family that has generously supported this mission!
Thursday Afternoon
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Ladies Bible Study – We will be studying the second half the book of Romans when we resume in September.
7:00 PM
Youth Night – Grade 7 – 12
Come on out and join us for some fun, devotions and good fellowship when we resume after the summer break.
“Our youth group meets every Friday evening, weather permitting, and as long as buses are running. Bring your friends!!