Thank You, HMC Ministry Council

John C. Maxwell says that “everything rises and falls on leadership.”

It is a new day at HMC. We are in a new season of life, and God is up to something here. There is excitement, vitality, and a newness of hope here. We are moving forward with a fresh vision for what God wants to do in us and through us. As we move forward, we are thankful to our leadership who have stayed the course and helped bring us to the place we are today. Thank you to our Ministry Council for wanting the best for this church, for desiring that we be a place that honours God, and for having the courage to lead us to where we are today. We don’t always see the times of prayer you spend on our behalf, or the countless hours in meetings, but today we see the result, and we say “Thank you”.

—From the staff team and congregation of HMC.


Thank you, HMC Missionaries

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”  —Matthew 9:37-38

Today we are thankful for our missionaries who have obeyed God and went out as workers, sharing the good news of Jesus, and bringing in a harvest of new lives who are now followers of Him. Thank you missionaries for giving of your time, and making it your life mission to share the Gospel message with those who have not heard. Often times, we do not understand how much of a sacrifice it can be to serve, even in a short term capacity. It can involve changing your plans. It can involve giving up comforts. It can involve the challenges of learning new languages, cultures, and contexts. It can involve leaving behind friends and family, even temporarily. It can even involve going into some parts of the world that are dangerous and risky, yet you still go because you know that God’s call on your life is what you were designed for. Thank you for inspiring us and showing us what it means to go and make followers of Jesus Christ at home and around the world.

—Your family at Hanover Missionary Church



Thank you, HMC Pastors!

“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?” 1 Thessalonians 3:9

Dear HMC Pastors,

As we are in a month of thanks here at HMC, it is only fitting that we take a moment to express our gratitude for all you do.

Pastor Dave, we are so blessed to have you as our leader. Thank you for bringing your enthusiasm and passion, for taking our vision and making it your own, and for igniting the congregation through your dynamic preaching. Thank you for the work you’ve done to strengthen the staff team, and the care you show as you go above and beyond to see that needs are met across all the ministries of the church.

Pastor Lyndsay, your heart for the congregation cannot be ignored. Thank you for being a steadfast support to those experiencing hardship. Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty as you share your personal journey with us. Thank you for teaching us that prayer is powerful and that times of rest are just as important as busy times of ministry.

Pastor Amos, thank you for being true to yourself. Your playful spirit and passion for creativity and storytelling have reshaped the children and youth ministry of this church in such a powerful way. Not only have you challenged our young people to look at scripture in a new way, but that has spilled over into the adults, spurring great discussion and discovery. Thank you for being a man of integrity and vision, and for being a steady support and advocate for the young.

May you all be richly blessed as you continually bless us.



Why Me?

—by Brian Austin

We live in a world where “Why me?” is a continual cry. I’ve tried to train myself to turn that question around. “Why me?” for the measureless blessings I enjoy.

Why the privilege of being born into this country? Yes, I’m aware of weaknesses, of losses, of freedoms eroded, of foundations being chipped away. But still, I enjoy freedoms most of the world only dreams about.

Why the medical resources I have taken advantage of? In many countries of the world I would be blind today, without even knowing there was any possible alternative. In many countries of the world two grand-daughters, born premature, but so full of life today they exhaust us, would have died. Their mother, our daughter, would also likely have died.

Why the abundance of food? In many countries of the world, starvation would have stared us in the face more than once during the six plus decades I have lived. Yet I’ve never known a day of my life when cupboards and fridge and freezer did not hold several week’s worth of food. I’ve never known a day when I wondered how I could feed my children, or how my grandchildren might get their next meal.

Why the privilege of having all our daughters close? Why should I have the delight of seeing my grandchildren so often? Why do I get the joy of hugs from those of them now in their teens – when hugging Grandpa is no longer “Cool”?

Why are all three daughters close friends, different in personality and temperament, but delighting in each other’s company? So many families I see are torn by division and strife, hurt and bitterness. Our daughters don’t always agree with each other, but there is deep love and respect. What a joy, as a father, to witness. What a joy as a grandfather to witness the cousins delighting in each other’s company.

Why the joy of watching our grandchildren making personal and public commitments to walk with Jesus? “How deep the Father’s love for us, that we should be called the Children of God.” How rich the wonder of seeing our Grandchildren wrestling with the issues of life, and determining that God is worthy of their full trust! Is there any richer blessing for a Grandfather to delight in?

Is there any stopping place for these blessings? Ten years ago, I had accepted (intellectually if not emotionally) that I was going blind, but I can read today. I can drive. I can see my wife, our daughters, our grandchildren. I can delight in the wonder and the beauty of the tiny fish that fill so many aquariums in our home. I have the physical strength to tear around the gym with the senior youth of our church – and they actually welcome this old guy there.

I have a hope to look forward to. My Bible tells me that: (1 Corinthians 2:9 paraphrased) Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things God has prepared for those who love him. My imagination covers a lot of ground, but the Bible declares it’s going to be better than the best I can imagine.

Why me?

Why do I still have the privilege of being actively involved in a local church, meeting without fear to worship and praise God, able to own multiple translations of the Bible, and not fear to be caught reading them? And though much of the media of our world is antagonistic to the things of God, and not quick to publish works that uphold Christian beliefs, there is yet the freedom to believe and to express my faith. Have I ever – can I ever – place a value on that particular freedom?

Why did I have the privilege of being born into a Christian home, with the Bible read daily around the supper table, family prayer times while I was still in the womb? No – my home was not perfect; my parents were not perfect; and unquestionably, I was not perfect – but who can put a price on knowing the Bible well before I was a teen? Who can put a price on sitting under Biblical teaching even before I learned to crawl? Who can put a price on a foundation of the things of God before I was out of diapers?

Why me? for the hurts of my world? Not an unreasonable question, and troubling if I focus there. But Why Me? for the measureless blessings I enjoy? Visiting there, even for brief moments, overwhelms me with thankfulness and praise. Will I ever learn to dwell there, not just visit occasionally?

It is the HMC Month of Thanks. What are you thankful for? Did reading Brian’s thoughts inspire you to share some of your own? If you’d like to publicly express your gratitude, email your Thankful Post to

Thank You HMC Congregation!

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.”  — Phil 1:3-4

Dear congregation of Hanover Missionary Church,

This month, we are in a month of thankfulness, where each week, we pick something different at HMC to be thankful for. I want to start the month by telling you how thankful I am for you as the congregation.

First of all, thank you for the way in which you have received my family and I just over 9 months ago. Your love, warmth, and acceptance has made this change a good one for us. We are thankful to be able to call you our church family.

Thank you also for supporting this church by attending, giving, praying for the church, and serving in it. There is are so many things that happens in this building from week to week that need your participation, and even with all the new things launching, you have risen to the challenge. Thanks for supporting the leadership as we lead, and being involved here. We can not do this without you.

Know that you are loved, you are prayed for, and you are appreciated. Thanks for being a great church to lead and be a part of!

Pastor Dave (and the team!)



Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a reminder that our offices will be closed today.

We hope you’ve been enjoying a wonderful long weekend with friends and family!

Colossians 3:17 New International Version (NIV)

17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.