I hope this update finds everyone healthy and safe. It has been a few weeks since I reached out to all of you, so I wanted to make sure I checked in and filled you in on a few happenings here at HMC.
We are on TV
We are thrilled to be able to announce that we will be on TV weekly, broadcasting past services here at HMC to allow those who can not watch us online an opportunity to tune in. As well, we see this as another way that we can share the hope of Jesus with our larger community.
You can catch our services every Saturday night, at 7 pm on Wightman Channel 6.

Financial Update
Thanks to all of you who have been giving to HMC during this time. I know that for many, these are difficult times financially, yet I am thankful for your generous giving during this time. We are thankful that God has been providing for us, and through your generous giving, has been taking care of our needs. We are truly blessed to find ourselves in a place of relative financial stability. I want to thank you again as it is because of your joyful and sacrificial giving that we are stable.
As the summer months approach, and giving traditionally drops, I ask you to please remember HMC and consider how you can help us continually meet our monthly expenses and help us continue to do ministry in Hanover and area.
Even though we can praise God for being in a relatively stable financial position as a church, we are mindful that we also need to be wise with the finances we have, especially in these challenging times. With that in mind, all ministry spending has been limited to essential spending that is necessary for us to carry out the present ministry needs of the church. Ministry Council has also discussed a multi-step plan of how to manage our expenses should our income from giving see a significant drop. It is our desire to be responsible with what God has given us.
Benevolence Fund
In the last update, I announced that we had launched a benevolence fund so that we could be a blessing in our community and meet the needs of those around us as the needs arise. I thank you to all of you who have given so far. If you would like to give to the benevolence fund, over and above your regular giving, you can do so through Tithe.ly (as there is a benevolence fund designation), or through a designation on your offering envelope that is dropped off.
Do you need anything?
We want to make sure that we are caring for you as a church family, keeping you connected in what is going on, and helping you feel like you are a part of a family even in this time of isolation.
If you have any needs, please let us know at the church. We would love to talk to you and help you any way we can in this time. If you know of someone who is not connected to HMC but is in need, let us know as well.
As always, make sure you stay connected with us online and through email updates. If you know of someone who needs these updates, but is not on the internet, and is not already getting our regular mailings, please let us know in the office so that we can put them on the list.
When can we begin using our facility again?
The truth of the situation is that we do not know the answer to this. Things are changing daily, and at this point, we are following the lead of our government. At this point, the protocol continues to be no gatherings over 5 people, and strict social distancing measures. Looking at the plan put forward to gradually open our province, the lifting on gatherings is one of the last things to be lifted.
Because of all the uncertainty, we will no longer be putting a date projection as to when we will be back in our building. With things changing daily, it seems prudent to take a wait and see approach. Plan on things continuing as they presently are for the near future. We are continually evaluating our situation, and as things change, we will be sharing that with you.
Know that we as a staff team miss all of you. We look forward to seeing you back. We pray for you and think of you all often. If there is any way we can care for you in this time, do not hesitate to reach out.
On behalf of all of us here,
Pastor Dave