Young at Heart will gather on October 10 at 11:00 a.m. with special guest Doctor Jeremy Toman ND, who will share tips on reducing inflammation. $17 tickets for the hot luncheon are available in the foyer today or from the church office during office hours.

A Men’s G2G group is beginning on Thursday, October 10 at 7:00 p.m. and meeting every other week in the upper room. They will be working through Goliath Must Fall by Louis Giglio. Talk with Pastor Kristina for more information or to sign up.
We’re bringing back Building Connections! Stick around after the service on Sunday, October 27 for great conversation and an opportunity to meet new people around a plate of treats. Please bring along some finger foods to share – sweet or savoury – whatever you fancy!
Our HMC AGM & Potluck will be on Sunday, November 24 after the service. Please bring along a main course dish to share & plan to stay for the meeting to learn what’s going on in the life of our church.
the Midweek Meal got off to a great start on Wednesday night. Thanks to the big crowd who came out. We filled almost every seat! If you missed out, don’t worry! You’ll be able to register for the second semester later this fall.
Thank you to everyone who came out to help at yesterday’s Facility Work Bee! It’s great to see people using their gifts to help the church.
Do you love to bake? If you’re interested in helping to provide desserts for our MIDWEEK MEAL, please connect with Pastor Kristina
We are looking for volunteers to fill a few gaps. If you’d be willing to serve on the usher team, or if hospitality is something near and dear to your heart, please talk with Pastor Kristina.
Our Condolences to Annie & Aleda Shantz on the passing of their sister-in-law, Carol Shantz, on Saturday, September 28. Please remember the family in your prayers as they grieve.
Please keep Sue McDougall and family in your prayers as she is facing some health concerns.\
Operation Christmas Child is coming soon! Boxes will be available on November 3 and must be returned by November 17. This is a great opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child.
Our Warming Centre will be up and running on Thursday, November 7, providing a place for those in need of warmth and company to enjoy a hot bowl of soup and friendly conversation. We are accepting donations of non-perishable food items that can be handed out to those who attend. These items can be dropped off at the hutch in the foyer that is labelled HMC Pantry. Also needed are donations of bars of soap and small bottles of shampoo. If you’d like to volunteer for this great ministry opportunity, whether it’s to hang out with our guests, to serve or clean up, or to make soup, please connect with Marcia Burt.
Hanover Heights is looking for donations of small hats, socks, and gloves/mittens that can be distributed to children who don’t have the necessary means to stay warm. These items can be dropped off at the pantry cupboard in the foyer.
OASIS Fall Rally on October 19 at 10:00 a.m. at the Chesley Community Church (307 1st Ave, Chesley). Come and hear the Sonlit Quartet in concert, singing traditional southern gospel music since 2006, and speaker Lillian Culham who will share about overcoming personal trials with a positive joyful spirit. A freewill offering will be taken for the concert and the OASIS projects. Lunch will follow for $12. For reservations, please speak with Nelles.