Bulletin — July 7, 2019


Get your children signed up for Summer Slam! Running from August 19-23 (from 9 a,m. until noon) this free day camp program is an awesome opportunity for your 5-12 year old to learn, grow, and build relationships. Forms are available outside the main office. They are also available for download online.

Worship in the Barn/Worship on the Farm – We’re planning two casual summer gatherings and hope you’ll be able to join in. Come to the Rusnak’s on Sunday, July 28 at 6:45 p.m. for some worship in the barn followed by a campfire. And join us at the DeVisser’s on August 25 at 6:45 for another time of worship and campfire. Bring camp chairs, roasting sticks, snacks, and drinks.

DATE CHANGE NOTICE: We’re switching up our Party in the Park. and changing it to an Old Fashioned Church Picnic at Carrick Camp! Join us on Sunday, September 8 for a classic camp meeting service at 10:00 a.m. followed by a BBQ picnic lunch. Meat and drinks will be provided. Please bring along a salad and/or dessert to share as well as your lawn chairs and lawn games. If you would like to be baptized during this event, please connect with a pastor.


Enjoy some music at Carrick Camp tonight. Come out at 7:00 p.m. to see Grace Notes Gospel Ensemble in concert. See the schedule posted in the foyer for all the upcoming events at the camp, including the Senior’s Luncheon on Tuesday, July 16 at noon.

Heroes for Hire, VBS at Carrick Camp running Monday, July 8-Friday July 12 from 9-noon. To register, contact Barb Foerster 519-799-5571 or 519-270-1703 (cell).

Come & Go 100th Birthday Tea Party for Kaye Hallman at Rockwood Terrace in Durham on Sunday, July 28 from 2-4 p.m. Best wishes only.


Please pray for Don Herman who is in Owen Sound Hospital recovering after a stroke. Please also pray for his wife, Vi, who is at home alone during this time.

Please pray for Dianne Dippel as she recovers from surgery. Pray for rest and healing.


Our summer interns, Emma & Jenna, are busy getting things organized. All U18s (K-12) are invited to join with them on Sunday mornings as they take a journey through the book of Malachi. Watch for online updates under the fun hashtag #summerwithjemma.