Hello HMC Youth!
We hope you are enjoying the sunshine and warm weather this week! Friday night will be the official start of our 8 week study on the book of Jonah.

The passage for this week is Jonah 1:1-3, take some time to read it and connect with God.
Imagine what Jonah, a prophet of God might have felt. Maybe he had ideas of how God would use him to teach, lead and rebuke his chosen people, the Israelites, who were more than a little stubborn and rebellious. But when God spoke, rather than a message of rebuke to His chosen people, God told Jonah to go deliver this message to the evil Assyrians. Why was God trying to spare the evil Assyrians of Nineveh, the enemy of the Israelites? Was God giving up on His chosen people?
As you read and reflect, here’s some questions for you to think about. We will explore them more at youth group on Friday night
1. After reading the text, what thoughts or details jump out at you right away?
2. Spend a bit of time praying about and reflecting on the text. What is God bringing to your attention?
3. How does this passage apply to your life?
See you Friday!